Maintenance Planning

The Process

Maintenance planning and scheduling is paramount to an effective and efficient maintenance management workflow.  If implemented well, the planning and scheduling workflow can substantially reduce facility equipment downtime. It will ensure that preventive maintenance is completed on time and there will be a noticeable reduction in equipment failures.

In addition the workflow can make step change improvements to the maintenance organization in terms of reducing the number of maintenance team members required to perform the maintenance work and improving the efficiency of the work performed.

In order to ensure the planning and schedule workflow is effective, there are a number of activities that should be completed in order to ensure it is appropriately supported. First, a planning and scheduling manual that accompanies the workflow and clearly identifies the associated activities, including roles and responsibilities, should be developed.

Thorough planning and scheduling audit and review schedule for the different steps in the process must be developed. This is so that we can learn from our current performance and address any inefficiencies or errors on an ongoing basis.

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